If you ever want to ask questions and learn the truth regarding our creation and existence, visit Dr. Scott McQuate at the www.innercircle.us. I 've been a member for a3years and can honestly say it was the best decision I ever made! ASK, SEEK, KNOCK, AND NEVER CEASE!
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
Thursday, May 22, 2014
the TRUTH about the WEATHER!
The Weather.
It's crazy everywhere. Seems like there are more clouds, different clouds, and often they are so close to the ground, I feel like I moved to the mountains! More lightening strikes, and they seem more intense. Thunder is louder and lasts longer. Tornadoes touching down in brand new locations. Hurricanes forming and doing odd things. Did you know there was a hurricane headed for the east coast on 9/11 and suddenly it shifted to the east and went out to sea? Google it. Anyway...what's going on with our atmosphere to make it behave so violently? And where in the world are all these clouds coming from? And why does the sun seem to be in a different place than it usually is this time of year. And at a different angle.
It's hard to even imagine that everyone isn't noticing the changes in the seasons, the actual colors of the foliage and the cycles of all species on the planet are being affected. Fish are dying off "en masse" in some locations. Algae is becoming more common. Those blood red seas are popping up, too. Is it Global Warming? What about those Chemtrails? Or is it actually the temperature of the oceans rising? What about the rumored Weather Manipulation? Or, is it Radiation from Fukushima? Maybe it's all Biblical and these are the end times playing out? Or, Is it the Elite? Our trusted politicians. All bowing to the banks that own them. YES to all of the aforementioned questions.
Global Warming?
Is still a big subject these days. The difference is the question has totally changed. No longer is it "what are you going to do about global warming" to get you inspired to lessen your carbon footprint. The new question is "why did we ever think it was global warming and carbon emissions in the first place?Seriously. The earth has a history of cycles. Once upon a time the south was the north, etc. Once upon a few times we've had an official Polar Shift. I'm sure you've heard mention of it by now.
Have you heard of Man's supposed attempt to protect humanity from the intensity of the sun, brought about by the decline in our ozone caused by our evil pollution. When I mentioned this to my buddy in Denver, he actually got defensive and took responsibility for it! He said it was intentional for a very good reason. To protect us from.....you get it. The reality is, people believe that is the purpose. If only it were the TRUTH. But, that is what we are here to discuss, so let's get on with it, shall we?
What's actually in those chemtrails? Let's take a look.
Just one of the many examples available on the internet. Ya. Those chemtrails are very helpful!
Ocean Temperature.
It is a known fact that simply raising the temperatures of the oceans by one degree can change the balance of it's ecosystem. Have you heard about all the underground volcanoes that have been going off? Of course not. They aren't doing any obvious damage. Can be quite beautiful. They can also be quite deadly. Emiting gases, heat, and causing explosions that can kill off entire schools of fish. Lots of earthquakes recently, too. Couldn't possibly be related. I would venture a guess that a lot of underground activity is not being reported for a reason. No one wants to instill panic. Right? sounds so humanitarianistic. Wrong. They want you to remain ignorant. Makes their (The Elite) job so much easier. Depopulization is a big job.
With the raise in ocean temperature comes the raise in air temperature, which in turn raises the chance of stormy weather. Add a few chemtrail clouds and get ready for some more serious action. Add chemicals to anything and it's going to get interesting! Oh, and if you really get bored, manipulate it just a little bit! what????
Weather Manipulation? Really?
We need to keep in mind that years ago, while studying the atmosphere and engaging in all kinds of man-made electrical storms, it was discovered that the weather could in fact be manipulated.
So, why aren't all meteorologists all over this? Good question.
You think these droughts in America aren't intentional? Why not? What about these massive storms? Tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, all causing problems so they have to implement government-run programs to HELP people. Easy way to instill instant control. Tell them to turn over their weapons to prevent looting. Makes perfect sense. Then, when the government looters show up at your door, you are completely defenseless. One less life the Elite have to worry about. One less FEMA trailer to build. One less ration to count.
Where did all the radiation go? It spilled into the ocean and made it's way around the globe. Did you know the rate of thyroidism, worldwide, is on the rise, especially in Japan? I see reports daily on the RSOE feed regarding outbreaks of bird flu, food poisoning, ebola, and more, and then there's the unexplained sicknesses attacking entire villages that no one can explain, let alone try to prevent. Birth defects and outbreaks of diseases once thought conquered, are popping up all over the place. Especially along the west coast in America. Coincidence? I think not. Add to these elements a little pollution from all our chemical-based garbage, throw in an oil spill here and there, sprinkle on top some chemtrail crap, seep in a little radiation, and voila, you've got a toxic cocktail in what we used to call Mother Earth!
Now all you hear about is those precious vaccines. Watch out cause they've never really been honest about those little death viles. Some of them serve a purpose. All the extras? I think not so much, i.e., the vaccines for young teens are causing far more harm than good.
Jesus is Coming! No Worries!
Right. I wish it were that simple. You see, Jesus was a Rebel. Had we honestly listened to Him, instead of the self-made christians, like Paul, we would not be in this mess. The events unfolding, down to the Tetrad we are currently in the midst of, all seem very Biblical, and they are. HOW? Because it's all part of the plan. The Bible is the Elite's playbook and they are using it to its fullest and the Book of Revelation is playing out exactly as planned and the religious communities around the world are falling for it. Hence, the great "falling away". But we'll save this in-depth explanation for another blog.
Who are THE ELITE?
They are right here in America, controlling your government. The Powers That Be. The Illuminati. The same people that founded this country and who brought all the signs, symbols and belief-systems of the creators of organized religion with them, to instill global control and initiate the New World Order. There are branches of the Illuminati all over the world. Behind every chaotic event in history you will find a group of control freaks, doing everything they can to keep humanity enslaved for their benefit.
Why? Because they believe they have the upper-hand. They are the "enlightened ones". They have made peace with the aliens and are using the technology provided by said aliens to take control of the world and have their own heaven on earth. What they don't realize is, they themselves are being controlled and manipulated by their so-called friends. They'll find out soon enough. In the meantime....
stay tuned. The Truth is there - you just have to look for it!
Eyes open. No Fear.
It's crazy everywhere. Seems like there are more clouds, different clouds, and often they are so close to the ground, I feel like I moved to the mountains! More lightening strikes, and they seem more intense. Thunder is louder and lasts longer. Tornadoes touching down in brand new locations. Hurricanes forming and doing odd things. Did you know there was a hurricane headed for the east coast on 9/11 and suddenly it shifted to the east and went out to sea? Google it. Anyway...what's going on with our atmosphere to make it behave so violently? And where in the world are all these clouds coming from? And why does the sun seem to be in a different place than it usually is this time of year. And at a different angle.
It's hard to even imagine that everyone isn't noticing the changes in the seasons, the actual colors of the foliage and the cycles of all species on the planet are being affected. Fish are dying off "en masse" in some locations. Algae is becoming more common. Those blood red seas are popping up, too. Is it Global Warming? What about those Chemtrails? Or is it actually the temperature of the oceans rising? What about the rumored Weather Manipulation? Or, is it Radiation from Fukushima? Maybe it's all Biblical and these are the end times playing out? Or, Is it the Elite? Our trusted politicians. All bowing to the banks that own them. YES to all of the aforementioned questions.
Global Warming?
Is still a big subject these days. The difference is the question has totally changed. No longer is it "what are you going to do about global warming" to get you inspired to lessen your carbon footprint. The new question is "why did we ever think it was global warming and carbon emissions in the first place?Seriously. The earth has a history of cycles. Once upon a time the south was the north, etc. Once upon a few times we've had an official Polar Shift. I'm sure you've heard mention of it by now.
Have you heard of Man's supposed attempt to protect humanity from the intensity of the sun, brought about by the decline in our ozone caused by our evil pollution. When I mentioned this to my buddy in Denver, he actually got defensive and took responsibility for it! He said it was intentional for a very good reason. To protect us from.....you get it. The reality is, people believe that is the purpose. If only it were the TRUTH. But, that is what we are here to discuss, so let's get on with it, shall we?
What's actually in those chemtrails? Let's take a look.
Ocean Temperature.
It is a known fact that simply raising the temperatures of the oceans by one degree can change the balance of it's ecosystem. Have you heard about all the underground volcanoes that have been going off? Of course not. They aren't doing any obvious damage. Can be quite beautiful. They can also be quite deadly. Emiting gases, heat, and causing explosions that can kill off entire schools of fish. Lots of earthquakes recently, too. Couldn't possibly be related. I would venture a guess that a lot of underground activity is not being reported for a reason. No one wants to instill panic. Right? sounds so humanitarianistic. Wrong. They want you to remain ignorant. Makes their (The Elite) job so much easier. Depopulization is a big job.
With the raise in ocean temperature comes the raise in air temperature, which in turn raises the chance of stormy weather. Add a few chemtrail clouds and get ready for some more serious action. Add chemicals to anything and it's going to get interesting! Oh, and if you really get bored, manipulate it just a little bit! what????
Weather Manipulation? Really?
We need to keep in mind that years ago, while studying the atmosphere and engaging in all kinds of man-made electrical storms, it was discovered that the weather could in fact be manipulated.
So, why aren't all meteorologists all over this? Good question.
You think these droughts in America aren't intentional? Why not? What about these massive storms? Tornadoes, floods, hurricanes, all causing problems so they have to implement government-run programs to HELP people. Easy way to instill instant control. Tell them to turn over their weapons to prevent looting. Makes perfect sense. Then, when the government looters show up at your door, you are completely defenseless. One less life the Elite have to worry about. One less FEMA trailer to build. One less ration to count.
Where did all the radiation go? It spilled into the ocean and made it's way around the globe. Did you know the rate of thyroidism, worldwide, is on the rise, especially in Japan? I see reports daily on the RSOE feed regarding outbreaks of bird flu, food poisoning, ebola, and more, and then there's the unexplained sicknesses attacking entire villages that no one can explain, let alone try to prevent. Birth defects and outbreaks of diseases once thought conquered, are popping up all over the place. Especially along the west coast in America. Coincidence? I think not. Add to these elements a little pollution from all our chemical-based garbage, throw in an oil spill here and there, sprinkle on top some chemtrail crap, seep in a little radiation, and voila, you've got a toxic cocktail in what we used to call Mother Earth!
Now all you hear about is those precious vaccines. Watch out cause they've never really been honest about those little death viles. Some of them serve a purpose. All the extras? I think not so much, i.e., the vaccines for young teens are causing far more harm than good.
Jesus is Coming! No Worries!
Right. I wish it were that simple. You see, Jesus was a Rebel. Had we honestly listened to Him, instead of the self-made christians, like Paul, we would not be in this mess. The events unfolding, down to the Tetrad we are currently in the midst of, all seem very Biblical, and they are. HOW? Because it's all part of the plan. The Bible is the Elite's playbook and they are using it to its fullest and the Book of Revelation is playing out exactly as planned and the religious communities around the world are falling for it. Hence, the great "falling away". But we'll save this in-depth explanation for another blog.
Who are THE ELITE?
They are right here in America, controlling your government. The Powers That Be. The Illuminati. The same people that founded this country and who brought all the signs, symbols and belief-systems of the creators of organized religion with them, to instill global control and initiate the New World Order. There are branches of the Illuminati all over the world. Behind every chaotic event in history you will find a group of control freaks, doing everything they can to keep humanity enslaved for their benefit.
Why? Because they believe they have the upper-hand. They are the "enlightened ones". They have made peace with the aliens and are using the technology provided by said aliens to take control of the world and have their own heaven on earth. What they don't realize is, they themselves are being controlled and manipulated by their so-called friends. They'll find out soon enough. In the meantime....
stay tuned. The Truth is there - you just have to look for it!
Eyes open. No Fear.
Monday, May 19, 2014
My Beginnings....
Once upon a time there was this unique little girl who saw beyond the accepted ways and means of life on earth. She just knew, somehow, everything around her was not as it seemed. She questioned everything. And, being drawn to magic tricks and surprises, early on she realized that saying things just right could make things happen! She realized that taking control of situations was a little too easy. Lying became a breeze. Seeing people believe stuff based on delivery alone was shocking! And so she decided all was NOT RIGHT WITH THE WORLD! If others were so vulnerable as to fall for such created BS, we were in serious trouble. And then she entered Kindergarten. All that did was help confirm that people were, literally, programmable.
Sad to say that it took some 40 some-odd years later to realize I needed to get to the bottom of things, so I joined a church. Got the basics. And when they could no longer answer my questions, I moved on. I was on a quest to find the truth....it had to be out there somewhere!
So, here I am! Ready to share THE TRUTH! How about that. why not? And, just for the record, I never lied about things, I just embellished, a lot! (snicker)
The last few years I've been studying the Government, the Bible, the Earth, and our surroundings, not necessarily in that order. My findings have been anything but inconsequential. Quite the opposite, actually. Most of what I've discovered has rocked my world and changed my views. Opened my eyes. And now I ask, seek, knock, and never cease. I mean it. I study daily. It drives my family nuts. I'm already nuts so it doesn't affect me.
A crucial step in being able to discern anything remotely close to the truth, which, in this day, is hard to sort, would be to make sure you investigate all sides. Know the lies, too, because nobody likes surprises and I'd much rather know what the other side of the story is so I can honestly defend my position. If you don't know all sides, how can you say you are right, right?
I hope you are ready. Some of what I have to tell will rock your world, especially if you are a Christian. Even more so if you are an atheist! Curious about what's really happening in Space? What does our government have to do with it? Who really "owns" America? and, Does anybody really know what time it is? That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Stay tuned. I will be here regularly updating the Truthful News. I will do my best to report on what I feel is relevant to our quest for helping humanity open their eyes and ears to what's really going on all around them, for that will be our best defense. It won't be all bad news. I intend to share the GOOD NEWS (if I can find any!)
Preparedness is critical. But it's not necessarily monetarial. Think about it:. You buy the food, build the bunker, get the helmet and something comes along and takes it all away. It could be a natural disaster, it could be a man-made takeover. What will you do?
With any luck at all, and a little guidance and good advice from THE TRUTH FAERY, you just might have the gumption to delve into your brain banks and pluck from them whatever you need to make it through. I call it FAITH, you can call it whatever you like. In any case, don't call me, cause I won't be able to help you! Learn to help YOURSELF, so you can be of service to others and the rewards will be yours! Trust me. I do!
and that's the TRUTH (rasperry)
(my favorite Latte flavor, BTW, in case you ever want to treat me to one!)
Peace and Blessings to All!
Be Hempy!
Sad to say that it took some 40 some-odd years later to realize I needed to get to the bottom of things, so I joined a church. Got the basics. And when they could no longer answer my questions, I moved on. I was on a quest to find the truth....it had to be out there somewhere!
So, here I am! Ready to share THE TRUTH! How about that. why not? And, just for the record, I never lied about things, I just embellished, a lot! (snicker)
The last few years I've been studying the Government, the Bible, the Earth, and our surroundings, not necessarily in that order. My findings have been anything but inconsequential. Quite the opposite, actually. Most of what I've discovered has rocked my world and changed my views. Opened my eyes. And now I ask, seek, knock, and never cease. I mean it. I study daily. It drives my family nuts. I'm already nuts so it doesn't affect me.
A crucial step in being able to discern anything remotely close to the truth, which, in this day, is hard to sort, would be to make sure you investigate all sides. Know the lies, too, because nobody likes surprises and I'd much rather know what the other side of the story is so I can honestly defend my position. If you don't know all sides, how can you say you are right, right?
I hope you are ready. Some of what I have to tell will rock your world, especially if you are a Christian. Even more so if you are an atheist! Curious about what's really happening in Space? What does our government have to do with it? Who really "owns" America? and, Does anybody really know what time it is? That's just the tip of the iceberg!
Stay tuned. I will be here regularly updating the Truthful News. I will do my best to report on what I feel is relevant to our quest for helping humanity open their eyes and ears to what's really going on all around them, for that will be our best defense. It won't be all bad news. I intend to share the GOOD NEWS (if I can find any!)
Preparedness is critical. But it's not necessarily monetarial. Think about it:. You buy the food, build the bunker, get the helmet and something comes along and takes it all away. It could be a natural disaster, it could be a man-made takeover. What will you do?
With any luck at all, and a little guidance and good advice from THE TRUTH FAERY, you just might have the gumption to delve into your brain banks and pluck from them whatever you need to make it through. I call it FAITH, you can call it whatever you like. In any case, don't call me, cause I won't be able to help you! Learn to help YOURSELF, so you can be of service to others and the rewards will be yours! Trust me. I do!
and that's the TRUTH (rasperry)
(my favorite Latte flavor, BTW, in case you ever want to treat me to one!)
Peace and Blessings to All!
Be Hempy!
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