Wednesday, March 23, 2016

The Illuminati and Their Game of World Dominance thru "End Times" programming

 You see the 322 regarding the terrorist attack today (scull and bones) and the 36 (3 6's the number of the beast) all over this year numerologically, (2016). With out a doubt the TPTB have their fingerprints all over this latest attack in Belgium. We have heard President Obama "joke" about staying in office due to possible catastrophe. I have often mentioned that our country would be facing a government made crisis and, here we are, knocking at the doors. No worries in my backyard. You are ready? Well, maybe you should get ready, Spiritually, mostly.
For generations it's been the same old "end of times" scenerio, but this time, it just might be real. Past generations didn't deal with mass die offs and crazy weather as we are seeing today. They didn't have economic and physical wars all over the globe (that globe theory is questionable, too. I mean, really? Spinning how fast but everything is standing still! what? Never thought about it, huh? cause you learned it {were programmed} in school, but that's another story.)
Many of the recent ancient civilizations were convinced that the end times were near because things were so bad, but they were not dealing with a dying earth. They didn't talk about the earth breaking apart, or crazy weather everywhere. They recorded discontent and a few floods and earthquakes. nothing huge. New rules. New tyrannies. New wars. New diseases. Which, obviously, took many lives, but, get real. The world hasn't ended. Yet. 
I do believe, however, it's happening now, exponentially, everywhere. Wake up and smell the stench of the matrix you've been trapped in thru religion, economics, free will, dimension ascension; pick one. It worked. 
We are either screwed, or we are waking up and realizing the real agenda of these control freaks that want our souls, and how to avoid the torturous world that they have trapped us in, and made to believe we have to experience (martyrdom) to reach eternal life with god. Giving up your life for anything is the ultimate control mechanism. Look at the mentality of our military. Instant population control. Give your life for what you believe in. Perfect.
Thru the "go forth and multiply" to the "go forth and make money" to the "you've earned your right to be in debt" credit system of control thru family and education, we are in it. Up to our ears.
I know this is rambling for some, information for others, an awaking for a few but for the most, crazy talk. It's all I can do.
So, I encourage you to do as Jesus did: he stated his case, and if you really wanted the inside information, you proved to Him you were worthy. He never wasted his time arguing. I believe, from all my research and studying, that Esu (Jesus) was right. Don't follow the pastors, the scribes, the everybody who is handing you eternal life for your works on earth. Esu is our Savior in telling us who not to listen to and what NOT TO DO! And remember, Daniel was told to close up the books til the end. Why do Christians believe they have all the information? If they believe the Bible to be without error, than at least give a little creedence to the thought "we may not have all the information!". 
So when that Planet X threatens to destroy the world, consider it your opportunity to finally go home to the Father you left, when you thought the grass was greener on the other side (third of the stars that went with Lucifer) and realize you were wrong.
Earth is hell. no question. The Bible was written as a playbook for the bankers who wanted control. No loving god would put his people thru this just to teach them who to worship and who to not trust. It's a trap. Lucifer's trap. "surely you will not die". Think about it. Who's really offering you eternal life if you "worship (warship) him?  (Satan, not your Father Creator)
ESU (Jesus) was used as a vehicle, because, according to the rules of the game, they have to disclose the truth. It's your job to seek it out and find it. JMHO and actually backed by scripture. The prophets told us that the truth was there, but it was upside down, sideways and otherwise hidden until the veil would be lifted and all would be revealed. That time, I believe, is now.
And don't listen to the Ghost Whisperer. Stay away from the light. Just because you see your most loved-somebody, doesn't mean you've reached the pearly gates. Remember, ESU said the only way to the Father was thru Him, not grandma. Even if you do see Jesus, look around and make sure. Afterall, He did say to QUESTION EVERYTHING!
Question everything. Seek the ancient paths. I did. That's what Esu (Jesus) said to do. I trust Him. Find the Truth, and it will set you free. It has worked for me. I am at peace and I wish peace for you, too!
Much love and Blessings!
A dedicated child of our Father Creator
To those of you with questions, call the good Dr. Scott McQuate. You will find him at He will help you find the truth. He helped me. And trust me. I questioned and researched everything he said. All I found was that he was right. I'm still researching daily. I still question everything. So should you. BUT, this is a good safe, affordable place to start. Does it cost money? sure? How many pastors got a free education? He deserves it. It's the least we can do for all the work he has done for us. We are selfish, self-righteous, self-affirming assholes on earth and it's time We got humble and did what ESU told us to do: ASK, SEEK, KNOCK AND NEVER CEASE.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The book of Genesis: What's it all about Alfie?

Systems. Sometimes they work. Sometimes, they don't. This particular system on earth has definite flaws. Have you ever questioned it? Have you ever questioned your existence? are you the least bit interested in WHO you really are? WHAT your purpose is? WHEN will it all make sense, WHERE do you go from here? and WHY should I care? Well, hang on. I'm about to lend some suggestions as to all of the above.

WHO you really are.

Ever read the book of GENESIS? 

It says in the beginning somebody named God made a bunch of stuff in a particular manner and called it "good". I'm paraphrasing, obviously. The sun, the moon, the animals, the plants, he "made", but  the man and woman he created. Say, what???

I wondered too. And then the whole thing is repeated in the next chapter. What's up with that? A repeat creation story? Well, apparently, yes, in a manner of speaking. Here we go.

First, the god spoken of in Genesis is not god our Creator, but the Elohim, a term used for god in the Torah, which actually refers to  "gods" plural (im is plural masculine in Hebrew), or rulers, judges, angels, as listed in Strong's Concordance. Remember, Genesis 1:26; And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our God created man. But, wait, what's up with "making" and "creating"? Let's find out.

The word "barah" means to make. In other words, the making of an original. Creating has more to do with taking things and making them into something. We make flour to create a cake, which is "asah". These words, and their intentions in Genesis, are not interchangeable. Here is why.

If you'll notice, the last verse of Genesis Chapter 1 states 31 and God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good. Then, God blessed and sanctified and rested. Then we see in Chapter 2, verse 4, that things seem to start all over again. But does it really? 

Suddenly we have a new character on the scene named "Lord God". Why the difference? I wondered the same thing. It's like a new story. A new beginning. Well, apparently it was. I soon learned that the verse pertaining to all the blessing and sanctifying had more to do with "destroying" than blessing. Afterall, it does say He "ended his work" on the seventh day. Did He really "end" His work? I believe he did. Here's why. 

After studying with Dr. McQuate, and checking the translation myself, I found that those words referring to blessing and sanctifying can also mean destroy. And because we all know that man is not so good, due to that inbred "sinful" manner in which we are constantly at odds with, it only makes sense that God would destroy that which was not good, being inherently good Himself. But, if man was destroyed, how are we still here? Good question.

That Lord God character who formed man of the dust of the ground was none other than a fallen angel who helped herself to the secret code of life, or at least part of it. She had to "borrow" a few items to make it work, but she did. Of course, who was standing by to assist and "lend" a helping hand? You guessed it, Satan. Yep. He's in on the gig. Believe it or not.

And the Lord God then took from Adam and "made" Eve and planted them in Eden, and then they took of the forbidden fruit, etc., but what was really going on here? What exactly was that forbidden fruit? Was it the forbidden truth regarding creation? Was it the secret code for making man? Indeed it was. And then my next question was "was this really happening? Were Adam and Eve really tempted in the garden, or is it just another story to explain the rebellion. I discovered it was indeed the latter. 

Indeed in the beginning God made the heavens and the earth. But then God saw it wasn't good and destroyed it. There is clear evidence in the Bible that he destroyed the earth at least once with a flood and once with fire. The destruction with fire story is rather hidden, but it's there. Hence the reference to "the dust of the ground" which actually refers to "ash", and the forming of man by the "potter" using the "clay" from the destruction by fire. Sound crazy? Ya, I know, it does. 

I told you it was a long and winding road. ....right now, my brain hurts so I'm taking a break. Trying to figure out a way to explain this whole mess is rather taxing, but rewarding. 
